
Miriam Huxley was born and raised in Abbotsford, BC, but never felt quite at home (she isn’t a Canucks fan, is the problem) and has always dreamed of traveling the world.  Except Antarctica.  She doesn’t want to go there.


Miriam graduated from the University of the Fraser Valley in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and History.  Before she’d even walked across the stage at convocation, she began taking more classes.  After a brief stint in Southampton, England, in 2011, she decided to go back to UFV and received a Certificate of Extended Studies in English Honours (with a Creative Writing focus) in 2012.  While at UFV, Miriam was an editor of Louden Singletree, the university’s literary magazine.

In 2013, Miriam decided to spend her life savings and move to Edinburgh, Scotland, to study for a Master’s in Creative Writing.  She graduated in 2014, after finishing a novella.  Her final dissertation, The Post Office, is waiting for a redraft.

In 2015, Miriam began a MFA Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan.  She spent 2016 molding young minds while working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. She graduated in 2018 after completing her first novel, White Rock.

She was the winner of the University of Edinburgh’s 2018 Sloan Prize for Prose or Verse in Lowland Scots Vernacular. Her story, Vancouver Rain, is available to read in From Arthur’s Seat 3.

In 2023, Miriam finished her PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Edinburgh. Her researched focused on pioneer women in Canada, and their legacy in Canadian Literature.

Miriam is both an avid writer and reader, but also enjoys experimental cooking, walking and running slowly, yoga, traveling, critiquing movies while watching them, and listening to music of most genres.

You can contact Miriam at miriamhuxley@icloud.com, on Twitter @miriamhuxley, and on Instagram @miriamhuxley.

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