Dr Miriam huxley

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  • Thoughts on a Friday

    Apologies for my absence last week. I had two major deadlines and I needed to focus. Happy to say I made both of them. The first was a research proposal for grant money from the Canadian government. The second deadline was the final submission of my MFA. So yeah, casually, I’m done that (for now…

  • Five Things: Destinations

    I’ve travelled more this year than ever before in my life. It’s been a little exhausting (#yolo), but I’ve been so happy to see more of the world. At a time when borders seem to be closing, it’s been amazing to be welcomed to so many new places. And while I’ve done a lot of…

  • Maybe I’m Blogging Again?

    I say that like it’s a question because it is. Let me tell you why. So hey, life update: I moved back to Edinburgh in December 2016 to do a term as a Visiting Postgraduate Research Student for my MFA. That ended in May 2017. And I’m still here. While my MFA comes to an…

  • Five Things: January Playlist

    As I’m feeling generally uninspired at the moment, thought I’d write a little post about something that has been inspiring during this bluest of Januaries. I always listen to music but lately, I’ve found that music has been the only thing able to change my mood.  That may or may not be a bad thing.…